PASTE💥Ultra Last Minute⛱️ ✈️ Italia Insula ischia ☀️ Hotel Lord Byron 4*(Forio dIschia) 784 Euro/pers

6 locuri - in momentul postarii ofertei. Vezi disponibilitatea

Servicii incluse

  • transport avion
  • taxe aeroport
  • transfer hotel
  • 7 nopti cazare

Servicii neincluse

  • asigurare medicala

Descriere oferta

Tarifele sunt valabile la momentul publicarii ofertei si pot suferi modificari. In functie de disponibilitatile existente la momentul rezervarii, acestea pot fi mai mici sau mai mari. Tariful final va fi reconfirmat de catre agent.
Oferte si Rezervari in timp real pe

Oferta actualizata in data de: 11.02.2025

lord byron wellness & beauty       

Situated in the centre of Forio d'Ischia, and only 600 meters from the beach of Chaia, the hotel offers an ideal location, with easy access to all the main attractions.

During your stay you can explore the beautiful island of Ischia, including the regions of Sant'Angelo D'Ischia and Monte Epomeo, each with their own individual features. Alternatively you can take advantage of the hotel's beauty services with a massage or sauna.

The spacious rooms and tasteful surroundings aim to make you feel comfortable and at home in this 3-star hotel.

The hotel has a 24 hour front desk.

Agentia de turism C&AE Business Travel

Telefon: 07xx xxx xxx

Adresa: Nitu Vasile, nr 42, bl 2, [...]

Email: office@s [...]

Website: http://w [...]

Arata datele de contact

Detalii & rezervare

  • Durata: 7 nopti
  • Destinatia: Italia / Insula Ischia
  • Hotel: Lord Byron Wellness & Beauty 3*
  • Data plecarii: 17.04.2025
  • Transport: Avion din Bucuresti
  • Masa: Mic dejun
  • Locuri disponibile: 6 (in momentul postarii ofertei)