ZANZIBAR Deals - SBH Monica Zanzibar (Adults Only) 5***** All Inclusive si alte Oferte Charter direct din Bucuresti!

6 locuri - in momentul postarii ofertei. Vezi disponibilitatea

Servicii incluse

  • 7 nopti cazare cu ultra all inclusive
  • Transport cursa charter (zbor direct)
  • 1 Bagaj de cala + 1 Bagaj de mana
  • Transfer de grup aeroport / hotel /aeroport
  • Taxe de aeroport
  • Asistenta turistica

Servicii neincluse

  • Asigurare de calatorie
  • Taxe locale

Descriere oferta

ZANZIBAR - Charter din Bucuresti !!!


SBH Monica Zanzibar (Adults Only 16+) 5* (Paje) All Inclusive de la 1470 Eur/pers!

Sandies Baobab Beach 4* (Nungwi) All Inclusive de la 1645 Eur/pers!

Royal Mandarin Hotel & Resort 5* (Pwani) Ultra All Inclusive de la 1690 Eur/pers!

Bluebay Beach Resort & Spa 5* (Kiwengwa) All Inclusive de la 2035 Eur/pers!

si altele !

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Oferta actualizata in data de: 28.01.2025

SBH Monica Zanzibar           

Welcome to SBH Monica Zanzibar (Adults Only +16), our exclusive 5-star hotel located on the beautiful Paje Beach, on the exotic island of Zanzibar!

Designed especially for those seeking an unforgettable experience in a paradise setting, our hotel seamlessly combines tradition and luxury, ensuring a worry-free and comfortable stay with our All-Inclusive package.

Immerse yourself in the beauty and serenity of one of Zanzibar''s most prominent beaches. Our hotel, SBH Monica Zanzibar, is situated on the stunning Paje Beach, on the southeast coast of the island, overlooking the crystal-clear waters of the Indian Ocean. This beach is renowned for its white sand and captivating turquoise tones, making it a highly popular destination for sun worshippers, sea lovers, and water sports enthusiasts.

Paje beach is also particularly known among kitesurfing enthusiasts for its excellent conditions for practicing this sport. Our hotel features a Kitesurfing school where you can take lessons and rent equipment.

Agentia de turism Komsi Travel

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Adresa: Str. Stirbei Voda Nr. 4, [...]

Email: contact@ [...]

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Detalii & rezervare

  • Durata: 7 nopti
  • Destinatia: Tanzania / Zanzibar
  • Hotel: SBH Monica Zanzibar 5*
  • Data plecarii: 26.02.2025
  • Transport: Avion din Bucuresti
  • Masa: Ultra all inclusive
  • Locuri disponibile: 6 (in momentul postarii ofertei)
  • 1690 Euro
  • 1470 Euro /persoana